more Anti-Spam options
Moderator: Christian
more Anti-Spam options
I love PopMan, i think is the best email notifier on the net.
i'd like you to improve its antispam capabilities.
actually it has only a "block sender" option.
i'd like to have a "block object" option. e.g. if someone sends me a mail with words like "viagra, cialis, penis etc" in the object, i'd like PopMan to cancel immediately.
i'd like you to improve its antispam capabilities.
actually it has only a "block sender" option.
i'd like to have a "block object" option. e.g. if someone sends me a mail with words like "viagra, cialis, penis etc" in the object, i'd like PopMan to cancel immediately.
It don't have to be advanced options, but just this "simple" filter-option: if the subject or sender contains the word <whatever> then delete it automatically from the server.Christian wrote:Yes, PopMan is still developed, but I think there will no further anti-spam features implemented in the near future...
On my server, messages are marked with [SPAM]. If Popman is capable of deleting those messages, I won't even get those messages in my reader!
Good news: I've just finished implementing such "block object" or "rules" feature!
So you will be able to write rules like:
I hope to release the updated Beta today together with the new MarkForDelete feature...
So you will be able to write rules like:
Code: Select all
Subject begins with "[Spam]" -> Read, NotNew, MarkForDelete
Message contains "Viagra" and Message not contains "PopMan" -> Delete
Mail not contains "Christian" AND Mail not contains "PopMan" -> NotNew
Message contains "PopMan" -> PlaySound("C:\WINDOWS\Media\ringin.wav")
Subject begins with "*****SPAM*****" OR
X-Spam-Flag equals "Yes" AND
To not contains "Christian"
-> Read, NotNew, MarkForDelete
Christian Hübner
Christian, this is great news, especially for Tommy, who begged for this functionChristian wrote:I hope to release the updated Beta today together with the new MarkForDelete feature...

Would it be possible to update us about the new, changed and removed features of this new beta? I mean, can you post the version history ASAP? Maybe as an announcement on the forum...