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by abe
06 May 2006, 23:25
Forum: Themes
Topic: Announcements - new website
Replies: 1
Views: 29564

Announcements - new website

Hi everybody.

In spare time I prepared simple site with themes which I made in past.
Now it's permanent website dedicated to popman themes.

by abe
21 Jun 2005, 21:33
Forum: Themes
Topic: Nuvola Icon Theme
Replies: 7
Views: 48532

Re: Thank you

J.Bleichroth wrote: thank you for the Nuvola Icon Theme.
I'm glad you like it.
by abe
17 May 2005, 22:49
Forum: Themes
Topic: Qute Icon Theme
Replies: 0
Views: 45355

Qute Icon Theme

So my second theme for Popman

for details please read this topic:
by abe
17 May 2005, 20:26
Forum: Themes
Topic: Nuvola Icon Theme
Replies: 7
Views: 48532


Thx for explanation. All bugs fixed. By the way Christian you should change the name of this two ico files in your
There are icons called Popman.ico and Message.ico :wink:

Toolbar.bmp now in 8bit depth.

I added toolbarDisabled.bmp file so theme is compatibile with ...
by abe
15 May 2005, 14:34
Forum: Themes
Topic: Nuvola Icon Theme
Replies: 7
Views: 48532

I'm glad you like it.
Thanks. I know and mentioned about that HERE. I use different color for my windows that's why it happen. In last package I put toolbar.bmp with deafult gray background.

by abe
13 May 2005, 11:57
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: White list - advantages
Replies: 15
Views: 80407

I'm curious what is Christian's opinion about this new features? :)
by abe
12 May 2005, 07:14
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: White list - advantages
Replies: 15
Views: 80407

I agree Black List is very useful and I would not remove it. I just would like to add White List. Together BL & WL will make Popman more powerful. That was my intention.
by abe
11 May 2005, 22:45
Forum: Themes
Topic: Nuvola Icon Theme
Replies: 7
Views: 48532

Nuvola Icon Theme


Before I'll go sleep I put a EDIT: link removed
For your eyes only :) Tomorrow I'll put icons package for download.

Nuvola Icon Theme for Popman is ready for downloading.

for details please read this topic:

by abe
11 May 2005, 14:12
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: White list - advantages
Replies: 15
Views: 80407

White list - advantages

Hi folks!

We got great feature -> Black List. But when you use it you have to be very carefull. If you add by accident e-mail address your friend you'll never get e-mails from this person. But Black List is necessary and is still useful. No doubt!

I'm thinking about improvement - White List ...
by abe
10 May 2005, 08:12
Forum: General
Topic: Polish translation updated
Replies: 0
Views: 25357

Polish translation updated


If someone need it, there is updated of Polish.lng file.


by abe
09 May 2005, 11:36
Forum: Announcements
Topic: PopMan 1.3 Beta 10 released
Replies: 7
Views: 41953

I'd like just say:
Thank you. New features and improvements make this tiny program very very useful and simply the best!!

by abe
01 Apr 2005, 14:13
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Customize?
Replies: 9
Views: 35908

Guy who started this topic is me ;)
I've become a big fan of this small program and decided to register on forum .

Thanks Christian for response. Nice to see that feautre will be built-in the program soon. I hope in further versions we will be able to change icons in tray to ;)

Have a nice day ...